Anglesea – Surfcoast Success

A planning permit has just been issued by Surfcoast Shire for a new house in Anglesea, just south of Geelong. The multi-level dwelling required a planning permit due to a number of planning scheme overlays. The sloping site has views over Anglesea and  the coast out to the ocean. The Planning Professionals undertook the design of the dwelling as well as the planning application process, balancing site constraints and difficult planning issues, and responding positively to the client brief.

Surfcoast Shire supported the application, but a neighbour ultimately lodged an appeal with VCAT.

Working with a consultant team, a full hearing was avoided through a negotiated outcome and a planning permit has now been issued with only minor adjustments to the original design solution, demonstrating the benefits of using skilled professionals and an in-house team of experienced architects and town planners. Well done team!