We have another very happy client, with news from VCAT that an appeal against a Council decision was successful and as a result has saved our client around $260,000! This was the cost for works that the Council was unreasonably...
The Planning Professionals
News & projectsPositive outcome at VCAT – Lakes Entrance
Read MoreIvanhoe house made easy
Read MoreOur client came to us after struggling for many months with the planning process and Banyule City Council, in metropolitan Melbourne. The project was, in itself, fairly simple, but complicated by the many layers of control including tree removal and...
Victoria’s Planners
Read MoreA question we are often asked is “have you done work in (my) area?” or “Do you have experience with (this or that) Council?” The Answer is: Probably, but you’re asking the wrong question. The question shouldn’t be whether you’re...
What can The Planning Professionals do for you?
Read MoreYou know we’re town planners. You know we specialise in planning permits. But, did you know that as well as being a Registered Town Planner and a fellow of the Planning Institute of Australia. Our Principle Planner Tufan Chakir is...
Is your Town Planner a professional?
Read MoreAnyone can call themselves a Planner, just like anyone can lodge a planning permit application. It’s simple – until things start to go wrong. The old saying “horses for courses” rings true. The ethos of The Planning Professionals is to...
Little Wings Artisan Bread, Drysdale – Town Planning advice right the first time!
Read MoreDavid and Miriam made and sold their Little Wings Artisan Bread from their home as a labour of love. As the business grew they decided there was a need to scale up production and sales. When David visited the Council...
Planning permit assistance for Geelong West townhouses
Read MoreThis is a group of two-storey townhouses on very compact allotments. The design demonstrates what can be achieved through a careful assessment of Rescode and planning controls. The high standards achieved meant that there were no objections to the initial...
Planning application consultants for Newcomb garden centre
Read MoreDiaco’s Garden Nursery is coming to Geelong! We successfully obtained a planning permit from the City of Greater Geelong for the development and use of a property on the Bellarine Highway as a garden centre and nursery. This application involved...
Homewares and sales planning application, North Geelong
Read MoreSchots Home Emporium is moving its Geelong base to a new location after a planning permit was issued by the City of Greater Geelong. The council initially opposed the move, however after being provided with researched VCAT decisions, and a...
Planning consultant for Ivanhoe medical centre
Read MoreMedical centres in strip shopping centres generally require planning permits. This one was no exception. Managing the planning process so that applications are dealt with speedily and with as little fuss as possible is what we do. Another happy client...